![[En] [PDF] The Pali Vinaya](https://en.namo84000.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/The-Book-of-the-Discipline-Vinaya-Pitaka.jpg)
[En] [PDF] The Pali Vinaya
The Vinaya Pitaka, the first division of the Tipitaka, is the textual framework upon which the monastic community (Sangha) is built. It includes not only the rules governing the life of every Theravada bhikkhu (monk) and bhikkhuni (nun), but also a host of procedures and conventions of etiquette that support harmonious relations, both among the monastics themselves, and between the monastics and their lay supporters, upon whom they depend for all their material needs.
![[En] Guide to Tipitaka](https://en.namo84000.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/Kinh-Phat-Quan-trong-2.jpg)
[En] Guide to Tipitaka
The Vinaya Pitaka is made up of rules of discipline laid down for regulating the conduct of the Buddha’s disciples who have been admitted as bhikkhus and bhikkhunis into the Order. These rules embody authoritative injunctions of the Buddha on modes of conduct and restraints on both physical and verbal actions. They deal with transgressions of discipline, and with various categories of restraints and admonitions in accordance with the nature of the offence…
![[Pali] Vinaya Piṭaka – The Discipline – Bộ Luật tạng](https://en.namo84000.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/tripitaka-p-budsas-default.jpg)
[Pali] Vinaya Piṭaka – The Discipline – Bộ Luật tạng
Vinaya Piṭaka regulates monastic life and the daily affairs of monks and nuns according to rules attributed to the Buddha. Giới luật quy định là bộ kinh điển sớm nhất quy định đời sống của Tăng Ni trong tăng đoàn
![[Pali] Dīgha Nikāya – The Long Discourses of the Buddha – Kinh Trường Bộ](https://en.namo84000.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/tripitaka-p-budsas-pdf.jpg)
[Pali] Dīgha Nikāya – The Long Discourses of the Buddha – Kinh Trường Bộ
The Digha Nikaya is a Buddhist scripture, the first of the five nikayas, or collections, in the Sutta Pitaka, which is one of the “three baskets” that compose the Pali Tipitaka of Buddhism.
![[Pali] Majjhima Nikaya – The Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha – Kinh Trung Bộ](https://en.namo84000.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/tripitaka-p-budsas-pdf.jpg)
[Pali] Majjhima Nikaya – The Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha – Kinh Trung Bộ
Majjhima Nikaya (“Medium [Length] Collection”; Sanskrit Madhyamagama), 152 suttas, some of them attributed to disciples, covering nearly all aspects of Buddhism. Included are texts dealing with monastic life, the excesses of asceticism, the evils of caste, Buddha’s debates with the Jains, and meditation, together with…
![[Pali] Anguttara Nikaya – The Numerical Discourses of the Buddha – Kinh Tăng Chi Bộ](https://en.namo84000.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/tripitaka-p-budsas-default.jpg)
[Pali] Anguttara Nikaya – The Numerical Discourses of the Buddha – Kinh Tăng Chi Bộ
The Anguttara Nikaya also translated “Gradual Collection” or “Numerical Discourses” is a Buddhist scripture, the fourth of the five nikayas, or collections, in the Sutta Pitaka, which is one of the “three baskets” that comprise the Pali Tipitaka of Theravada Buddhism. This nikaya consists of several thousand discourses ascribed to the Buddha and his chief disciples arranged in eleven “books”, according to the number of dhamma items referenced in them…
![[Pali] Samyutta Nikaya – The Collected Discourses of the Buddha – Kinh Tương Ưng Bộ](https://en.namo84000.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/tripitaka-p-budsas-default.jpg)
[Pali] Samyutta Nikaya – The Collected Discourses of the Buddha – Kinh Tương Ưng Bộ
The Samyutta Nikaya consists of fifty-six chapters, each governed by a unifying theme that binds together the Buddha’s suttas or discourses…
![[Pali] Khuddaka Nikaya – Smaller Collection Discourses of the Buddha, Division of Short Books, Minor Collection – Kinh Tiểu Bộ](https://en.namo84000.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/tripitaka-p-budsas-default.jpg)
[Pali] Khuddaka Nikaya – Smaller Collection Discourses of the Buddha, Division of Short Books, Minor Collection – Kinh Tiểu Bộ
The Khuddaka Nikaya, the fifth division of the Sutta Pitaka, is a wide-ranging collection of fifteen books (eighteen in the Burmese Tipitaka) containing complete suttas, verses, and smaller fragments of Dhamma teachings…
![[Pali] Dhammasangani, Dhammasaṅgaṇī – Buddhist Psychological Ethics – Bộ Pháp Tụ](https://en.namo84000.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/tripitaka-p-budsas-default.jpg)
[Pali] Dhammasangani, Dhammasaṅgaṇī – Buddhist Psychological Ethics – Bộ Pháp Tụ
The Dhammasangani, also known as the Dhammasaṅgaha, is a Buddhist scripture, part of the Pali Canon of Theravada Buddhism. It is the first of the seven texts of the Abhidhamma Pitaka.
![[Pali] Vibhanga, Vibhaṅga – The Book of Analysis – Bộ Phân Tích](https://en.namo84000.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/tripitaka-p-budsas-default.jpg)
[Pali] Vibhanga, Vibhaṅga – The Book of Analysis – Bộ Phân Tích
Vibhahga deals specifically with a number of these topics, showing in some both the method of analysis and the definitions used by the Buddha in general discourses (Suttantabhajaniya) and the technical analysis and definitions (Abhidhammabhajaniya) used when the same matter was discussed from a strictly philosophical aspect.