Seeking the Heart of Wisdom – The Path of Insight Meditation by Joseph Goldstein

In Seeking the Heart of Wisdom Goldstein and Kornfield present the central teachings and practices of insight meditation in a clear and personal language. The path of insight meditation is a journey of understanding our bodies, our minds, and our lives, of seeing clearly the true nature of experience. The authors guide the reader in developing the openness and compassion that are at the heart of this spiritual practice.

[PDF] Basic Buddhist Doctrines by Thien Phuc – The full 8 volumes

In the myriad of documents, books and records of the Buddha’s talks, there are no words written by the enlightened one called Sakyamuni Buddha during his forty-five years of walking and teaching in northeast India. He spoke his messages of living a life of loving-kindness and compassion to kings, high intellectuals and the poor and ignorant, and their gaining the wisdom to achieve salvation from the rounds of birth and death, and for each person to lead others to achieve that wisdom. Texts written in the Pali and Sanskrit languages purport to contain the teachings of this Sixth Century, Before Common Era (B.C.), Indian enlightened one.

The Book of Protection

Paritta suttas describe certain suttas or discourses delivered by the Buddha and regarded as affording protection. This protection is to be obtained by reciting or listening to the paritta suttas. The practice of reciting or listening to the paritta suttas began very early in the history of Buddhism…