![[Pali] Dhammasangani, Dhammasaṅgaṇī – Buddhist Psychological Ethics – Bộ Pháp Tụ](https://en.namo84000.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/tripitaka-p-budsas-default.jpg)
[Pali] Dhammasangani, Dhammasaṅgaṇī – Buddhist Psychological Ethics – Bộ Pháp Tụ
The Dhammasangani, also known as the Dhammasaṅgaha, is a Buddhist scripture, part of the Pali Canon of Theravada Buddhism. It is the first of the seven texts of the Abhidhamma Pitaka.

Sanskrit Canon: 法華部 | Saddharma Puṇḍarīka | Bộ Pháp Hoa | T.0262 – T.0277
The earliest known Sanskrit title for the sutra is the Saddharma Pundarika Sutra, which translates to “the Lotus Flower Formula (or Rule) of Good Dharma.” The Lotus Sutra is one of the most popular and influential Mahayana sutras, and the basis on which several schools of Buddhism were established.
![[Pali] Vibhanga, Vibhaṅga – The Book of Analysis – Bộ Phân Tích](https://en.namo84000.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/tripitaka-p-budsas-default.jpg)
[Pali] Vibhanga, Vibhaṅga – The Book of Analysis – Bộ Phân Tích
Vibhahga deals specifically with a number of these topics, showing in some both the method of analysis and the definitions used by the Buddha in general discourses (Suttantabhajaniya) and the technical analysis and definitions (Abhidhammabhajaniya) used when the same matter was discussed from a strictly philosophical aspect.

Sanskrit Canon: 華嚴部 | Avataṃsaka | Bộ Hoa Nghiêm | T.0278 – T.0309
The Avataṃsaka Sūtra (IAST, Sanskrit: आवतंसक सूत्र); or the Mahāvaipulya Buddhāvataṃsaka Sūtra (Sanskrit: महावैपुल्य बुद्धावतंसक सूत्र), is one of the most influential Mahāyāna sutras of East Asian Buddhism. The title is rendered in English as Flower Garland Sutra, Flower Adornment Sutra, or Flower Ornament Scripture.
![[Pali] Patthana, Tikapaṭṭhāna – Conditional Relations – Bộ Vị Trí](https://en.namo84000.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/tripitaka-p-budsas-default.jpg)
[Pali] Patthana, Tikapaṭṭhāna – Conditional Relations – Bộ Vị Trí
The Patthana is indeed, deep and profound and so it is really difficult to conveive of it completely on one’s own. But the Buddha provided a method so that, on that basis, there would be no difficulty in grasping the subject. That method is none other than the table of Contents (the Triplets and Couplets) expounded at the beginning of Dhammasangani.
![[Pali] Dhatukatha, Dhātukathā – Discourse on Elements – Bộ Chất Ngữ](https://en.namo84000.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/tripitaka-p-budsas-default.jpg)
[Pali] Dhatukatha, Dhātukathā – Discourse on Elements – Bộ Chất Ngữ
It is extremely difficult for one to become a Supremely Enlightened Buddha. First o f all one must have qualified oneself to receive the prediction from a living Buddha. This, too, is difficult because the following eight conditions have to be satisfied…

Sanskrit Canon: 寶積部 | Ratnakūṭa | Bộ Bảo Tích | T.0310 – T.0373
Ratnakūṭa (रत्नकूट) is the name of an island to which Śaktideva and Satyavrata traveled to according to the “story of the golden city”, according to the Kathāsaritsāgara, chapter 26. Accordingly, Satyavrata said: “… there is a fair isle in the middle of the sea named Ratnakūṭa, and in it there is a temple of the adorable Viṣṇu founded by the Ocean, and on the twelfth day of the white fortnight of Āṣāḍha there is a festival there, with a procession, and people come there diligently from all the islands to offer worship. It is possible that someone there might know about the Golden City”.
![[Pali] Puggalapannatti, Puggalapaññatti – A Designation of Human Types – Bộ Nhân Chế Định](https://en.namo84000.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/tripitaka-p-budsas-default.jpg)
[Pali] Puggalapannatti, Puggalapaññatti – A Designation of Human Types – Bộ Nhân Chế Định
A Puggalavadin’s view is that the person is known in thesense of a real and ultimate fact, but he is not known inthe same way as other real and ultimate facts are known.*“ He or she is known in the sense of a real and ultimate fact,and his material quality is also known in the sense of areal and ultimate fact.

Sanskrit Canon: 單譯經 | Parinirvāṇa | Bộ Niết Bàn | T.0374 – T.0396
In Buddhism, parinirvana is commonly used to refer to nirvana-after-death, which occurs upon the death of someone who has attained nirvana during his or her lifetime. It implies a release from the Saṃsāra, karma and rebirth as well as the dissolution of the skandhas
![[Pali] Kathavatthu, Kathāvatthu – Points of Controversy – Bộ Ngữ Tông](https://en.namo84000.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/tripitaka-p-budsas-default.jpg)
[Pali] Kathavatthu, Kathāvatthu – Points of Controversy – Bộ Ngữ Tông
Kathavatthu is a Buddhist scripture, one of the seven books in the Theravada Abhidhamma Pitaka.